Paving the Pacific follows a lone coyote through the Mojave Desert landscape into the urban sprawl of Los Angeles. The drawings were created by Landers-based artist Aidan Koch as frames for an animation created for the solo exhibition Wing Whistles at Paul Soto gallery in Los Angeles, CA, April 2 – May 20, 2023.
Softcover, 5x7 inches, 52 pages, risograph printed in four colors, yellow sewn binding, edition of 150, 2023.
Aidan Koch (b. 1988, Seattle, WA) lives in Landers, California in the Mojave Desert. Koch's recent work looks deeply at the potential stories hidden in her surrounding landscapes. She's published six graphic novels, exhibited internationally, and founded the Institute for Interspecies Art and Relations in 2017. Koch's graphic novels include Xeric Award winning, The Blonde Woman, and forthcoming Spiral and Other Stories published by New York Review of Comics. She holds an MFA from Emily Carr University of Art and Design. Her work has been exhibited at the Whitney Museum of American Art, South Bend Museum of Art, and Queens University Belfast, along with recent solo shows at 14A in Hamburg, Germany and Paul Soto in Los Angeles, CA.