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Product Image MsHeresies#2: Useful Work Versus Useless Toil—

MsHeresies#2: Useful Work Versus Useless Toil—

This is the second publication in the MsHeresies series from the Amsterdam-based Rietlanden Women’s Office, a collaboration between graphic designers Johanna Ehde and Elisabeth Rafstedt that engages in self-initiated, research-based graphic design and publishing. The instalment’s main text is a remediation and republishing of the lecture “Useful Work versus Useless Toil” (William Morris, 1884), along with text and image material from the book ‘The Sisters’ Arts’, which examines the working relationship of sisters Virginia Woolf, a writer, and Vanessa Bell, a painter. As such, it investigates the topic of work and the possibilities of collaboration from a feminist perspective.
Softcover, 32 pages, ills colour & bw, 19 x 30 cm, English, 2019, Netherlands.