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Product Image Soft Circle: Shore Obsessed CD

Soft Circle: Shore Obsessed CD

An album by Hisham Bharoocha, onetime member of Lightning Bolt and Black Dice, sounds chaotic in theory, especially for anyone who has seen him in action on-stage, where he builds intricate songs from the ground up by way of looping samples and furiously beating his drums. Shore Obsessed is a far cry from the aggressive experimentation of his former projects. Instead, Bharoocha is set on making positive, thoughtful dance music. Even though he is a drummer at heart, the album is synth-heavy, withBenjamin Vida handling those duties (and a few guitar parts), and Bharoocha laying down the rest of the album’s scope with guitar, bass, electronic programming, and vocals (minus the occasional sultry backup by Matteah Baim).

**Please Note: This is either the last copy or one of the last copies of this book. It has been on display for a while and has some wear and damages. The applied discount is to account for any damages and the book is for sale as is with no returns. If you have any questions please email us!