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Product Image Animal Shelter Journal

Animal Shelter Journal

Animal Shelter is an occasional intellectual journal on Art, Sex, Literature published by Semiotext(e) and edited by Hedi El Kholti.

Animal Shelter 4 was edited by Hedi El Kholti and Robert Dewhurst. It circles a constellation of sex, exchange, and debt, with a substantial portion devoted to poetry. 
  • ALAIN BADIOU on Pierre Guyotat’s cosmology
  • TONY DUVERT on ugliness and de Sade
  • THOMAS GOKEY on art after Occupy
  • Trance verses by WAYNE KOESTENBAUM
  • KEVIN KILLIAN on pop-vocalist Maxime Le Forrestier
  • A conversation with MAURIZIO LAZZARATO on debt and time
  • SARAH LEHRER-GRAIWER on Lee Lozano’s notebooks

Other contributors include: Jackie Wang, Emmanuel Moreira, Marie Buck, Lisa Cohen, Robert Glück, Ann Rower, Kate Zambreno, Gary Indiana, Matias Viegener, Rob Halpern, Candice Lin, CAConrad, Bradford Nordeen, Andrew Bernardini, Tim Dean, Jamie Stewart, William Dunaway, Jr.

Art by: Kath Bloom, Kath Bloom, Paul Chan, Steve Dalachinsky, Hedi El Kholti, Aimee Goguen, Vanessa Haney, Gary Indiana, Patrick Kwon, Eli Langer, Candice Lin, Lee Lozano, Filip Noterdaeme, Brad Troemel, and Cayal Unger.

**Please Note: This item may be one of or the last copy of this issue. It may have on display for a while and has some wear and damages. The applied discount is to account for any damages and the book is for sale as is with no returns. If you have any questions please email us!

Animal Shelter 3 seeks the roots of our present malaise by moving out to places usually considered ‘obscure’ or ‘exotic’: Argentina, the West Indies, Mali, rural Florida. It features fiction, philosophy, poetry, analysis, & interviews, with an accent on archival documents. 

A short story by TISA BRYANT on the afterlife of Antiguan slavery.  A short story by MICHAEL CARROLL on sex & languor in Key West.  JEAN EUSTACHE in conversation with Wade Novy. PIERRE GUYOTAT on childhood, pubescence, poetry.  A short story and collage by RICHARD HAWKINS.  GUY HOCQUENGHEM on the imperialism of the couple.  An unpublished COOKIE MUELLER  short story.  GRACE NDIRITU on responsible tourism.  A short story by DALIA ROSETTI on jailhouse tattoos.  A poem by HEATHCOTE WILLIAMS on Otto Muehl & animal liberation.

Other contributors include: Melissa Barrett, Robert Dewhurst, Tony Duvert, Iris Klein, Fernanda Laguna, Lodovico Pignatti Morano, Jean-Jacques Schuhl, Noura Wedell.

Art by: Gary Lee Boas, Shannon Durbin, Matt Fishbeck, Kathryn Garcia, Mim Goodman, Peter Hujar, Eli Langer, Tracy Nakayama, Grace Ndiritu, Warren Neidich, A. L. Steiner…

$ 12.00