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Product Image Eran Schaerf and Florian Dombois: Palaver

Eran Schaerf and Florian Dombois: Palaver

'Palaver', 2009 Eran Schaerf, Florian Dombois

In Palaver it comes to a setting - a conversation architecture for a single work of art. The speakers are working, author, audience and their respective doubles. The artwork, which is considered here is infinite. Not because under certain circumstances the material has a longer lifespan than the artist. It continues through the discourse. Again and again sets the language of the substantive or temporal boundaries of the work by, brings it into the discourse and declared it an "open sequence" (Kubler).

**Please Note: This is either the last copy or one of the last copies of this book. It has been on display for a while and has some wear and damages. The applied discount is to account for any damages and the book is for sale as is with no returns. If you have any questions please email us!