From the 1960s, Croatian artist Julije Knifer (1924–2004) painted stark, snaking, geometric lines that he called meanders. The monotony and absurdity of this practice, and journaling about his non-progress every day, was for Knifer “a very specific form of freedom”. Each painting was not a whole, but part of a larger stream.
This edition of ‘The Serving Library Annual’ explores this theme, where the meander offers both the promise of continuity and the mixed blessing of recurrence. Its freely wandering contents include contributions by Julije Knifer, Anuja Dhir and Ab Rogers, Anthony Huberman, Yuji Agematsu, Tauba Auerbach, Emilie M. Reed, Lauren Elkin, and others.
176 p, ills colour & bw, 21 x 30 cm, pb, English, 2022 |